The Cherry Hill African American Civic Association (CHAACA), formerly the Cherry Hill Minority Civic Association, was organized in 1978 by a concerned group of African American residents. CHAACA has been recognized by Cherry Hill Township, Cherry Hill Board of Education and the New Jersey General Assembly. CHAACA is built upon three pillars; Unity, Service, Purpose, all of which hold up the mission of the organizations to:
- Provide a vehicle for the participation of African American residents in Cherry Hill in the community life.
- Provide a collective voice for residents to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
- Ensure the welfare of African American youth in the home, school, and community.
- Serve as a platform to encourage the appointment and election of African Americans in positions of leadership.
- Provide the African American community with information on important political issues while remaining nonpartisan.
Join Us! New members are always welcomed. $25 per individual, $50 per family, $15 associate membership collected annually in October.
Pay securely by credit or debit card or contact to pay by Check or Money Order.
Become a Member!
Support CHAACA Now.
Contact Us
Executive Board Members
Tina Truitt, President
Danny Elmore 1st Vice President
Anita Wade, Treasurer
Cathleen Jenkins, Financial Secretary
Open, Corresponding Secretary
Emma Waring Parliamentarian
Standing Committee Chairs
Programs – Cathleen Jenkins
Amenities – Open
Membership – Emma Waring
Fundraising – Tina Truitt- O’Neal
Scholarships – Karen Taylor Bass
Publicity – Anita Wade
Closed Executive Board Meetings – Monthly, Last Tuesday of the Month
General Membership Meetings – Monthly, First Tuesday of the Month Online, September – June
Join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Contact Us l P. O. Box 1404 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Follow Us on Instagram @CHAACANJ
Cherry Hill African American Civic Association is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization.